Picture Credits
Aerial view Zülpich: Egon Joisten, Photos instrument transformers: Nadine Michels – photografica, Photos Luxembourg: Christof Weber, other pictures: HENTGES GmbH
For business relationships with our national subsidiaries, additional disclosures required by law apply to our individual companies:
HENTGES GmbH is a company organised under German law. The following information is given conforming to German federal legislation (§ 5 TMG und § 55 RStV):
Am Meilenstein 4
53909 Zülpich
Phone +49 2252 835170
Email post@hentges.eu
European VAT Identification Number: DE122393312
Legal representatives: François Hentges, Robert Hentges
Trade register number: HRB 10975, Amtsgericht Bonn
HENTGES GmbH is a limited liability company under the German GmbH Act.
Responsible for the website content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (German law):
François Hentges, HENTGES GmbH, Am Meilenstein 4, 53909 Zülpich, Germany
Mandatory information on HENTGES SARL, a company incorporated under French law:
9, rue du Quatre Septembre
75002 Paris
Phone +33 1 48131969
Fax: +33 1 42433609
Email: france@hentges.eu
European VAT Identification Number: FR77401444351
SIREN: 401 444 351
Code NAF 2008: 4669A
Legal place of business: HENTGES SARL, 9 rue du Quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris, Frankreich
Legal form: SARL capitalized with 30 000 €
Trade register: RCS Paris 401444351
Legal representative: François Hentges, Robert Hentges
Responsible for the website content:
HENTGES GmbH, Am Meilenstein 4, 53909 Zülpich, Germany, post@hentges.eu
Director of company communications: Robert Hentges, post@hentges.eu
Server hosted by: Hetzner Online AG
Mandatory information on HENTGES S.à.r.l., a company incorporated under Luxembourg law:
HENTGES S.à.r.l.
28, z.a.e. Triangle Vert
5691 Ellange
Phone +352 26660181
Fax: +352 27075780
Email: luxembourg@hentges.eu
European VAT Identification Number: LU17519139
Legal place of business: Hentges S.à.r.l., 28, z.a.e. Triangle Vert, 5691 Ellange, Luxembourg
Nominal capital: 250.000 EUR
Autorisation de commerce: 123591
Trade Register Luxembourg: B 64.656
Legal representatives: François Hentges, Robert Hentges
Responsible for the website content and hosting:
HENTGES GmbH, Am Meilenstein 4, 53909 Zülpich, Germany, post@hentges.eu
Responsible for the content: François Hentges, post@hentges.eu
Mandatory information on HENTGES SARL, a company incorporated under Cameroonian law:
Vallée commissariat du 12ème
BP 3296 Douala, Bonamoussadi
Email: cameroon@hentges.eu
Tax Identification Number: NIU M082015113834S
Legal place of business: HENTGES SARL, Vallée commissariat du 12ème, BP 3296 Douala, Cameroon
Legal form: SARL capitalized with 3,000,000 FCFA
Trade register: RCCM RC/DLN/2020/B/1566
Legal representatives: Robert Pierre Julien Hentges, François Robert Pierre Hentges, Pierre Celestin Djeutcha Djeumen
Responsible for the website content:
HENTGES GmbH, Am Meilenstein 4, 53909 Zülpich, Germany, post@hentges.eu
Director of company communications: François Hentges, post@hentges.eu
Server hosted by: Hetzner Online AG
This website is provided by HENTGES GmbH, a company organised under German law. The following information is given conforming to German federal legislation (§ 5 TMG und § 55 RStV): HENTGES GmbH, Am Meilenstein 4, 53909 Zülpich, Germany
(Details: refer to company details above)
Aerial view Zülpich: Egon Joisten, Photos instrument transformers: Nadine Michels – photografica, Photos Luxembourg: Christof Weber, other pictures: HENTGES GmbH